In the top right-hand corner, click your name and select Admin. In the admin index click on Reports.
The list of reports
  • multiline_chart
    Usage overview - Displays fundamental data about usage like users count, events count, devices used etc.
  • insert_chart
    Unresolved items in inbox - Displays how many unresolved items each user has in their Inbox.
  • show_chart
    Items per day - Displays how many conversations and messages were created on a specific day.
  • pie_chart
    Messages by type - Displays how many messages there are of each type (chat, conversation).
  • insert_chart
    Messages sent per user - Displays how many messages were created by each user at a particular time.
  • insert_chart
    Groups by conversations and messages - Displays how many conversations and messages were created in each group at a selected time.
  • insert_chart
    Most active conversations - Displays how many messages were created in each conversation at a specific time.

Read our blog for more information about the advanced reporting dashboard.