Billing Q&A
The actual pricing can be found at this address:
How am I charged for using the service?
After your free trial, you will be charged a monthly fee per active user, in the currency that you choose. Our billing cycle is the last day of each calendar month (you will be charged pro-rata for the first month, depending on the day that your trial ends).

What is an active user?
Manage your business, and let us manage the admin for you! We will calculate the number of people that have logged in to the application during the month, and charge you for this amount only. So, if someone doesn’t use the application – is on holiday for the billing month – or is even on long-term sick leave – you don’t have to worry about deactivating their account. We believe in a transparent billing cycle, and our aim is to help you run your business with zero admin, after all.
How long are your contracts?
Unless you pay annually in order to receive a discount on the licence fee, our contracts are monthly (on a recurring basis). You can cancel your account at any time to prevent a contract from auto-renewing. When you have cancelled your account, your plan will run until the end of that calendar month and you won’t be charged again. We do not issue refunds for partial month usage.
If I want to leave the platform, do you provide a data export?
Yes, a full export of your data is available upon request, in .json format. Please contact us to process this.