Mark chat/conversation as read
If you have unread message(s) from a chat/conversation in your inbox then there are multiple ways
to mark them as read.
Note that if you mark a chat/conversation as read, then it will disappear from your
The most common and simplest way to mark it as read is to click on the inbox item, this will redirect
you to the conversation/chat detail (depending on what item you've clicked on).
"Mark as read" icon
Another way is to hover your mouse over the chat/conversation inbox item so the 3 action icons
appear at the end of the row. And click on the
playlist_add_check mark as read icon.
"Like" icon
Clicking the thumb_up like icon will
also result in marking the corresponding inbox item as read, alongside with letting the author of the
message know that you like the idea, or you can use it instead of answers like: "ok", "cool",
"will do" and so on.
Mark multiple items as read!
The very last way to mark an inbox item as read is to check the box on the left side of the item
and click the mark as read button in the New header, as shown in the
screenshot. This way you can get rid of multiple items!
Note that an event in the inbox cannot be marked as read, therefore it doesn't have the
check box.