Formatting your message
Team Zeus has an emphasis on concise, short-hand communication. However, when you do need to write a slightly longer message, then formatting is available.
info_outline Note that some of the formatting won't work unless you add a new line before it.
New lines
To insert a new line, press the SHIFT + ENTER keys of your keyboard. This allows you to break up text into paragraphs, for example.
Ordered and unordered Lists
To create a bullet point list, simply put a * before each line of text.
Example of bullet point list:
* lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
* usu debitis tibique
* sed ubique nusquam ad, quot tacimates mel ut, eam
You can also create an ordered list by putting numbers at the beginning of each line.
Example of ordered list:
1. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
2. usu debitis tibique
3. sed ubique nusquam ad, quot tacimates mel ut, eam
Bold and italic emphasis
To make one or more words bold or even a whole sentence, simply just wrap the word(s) with two asterisks *.
Example of how to make bold text:
**This sentence will be bold if sent as message.**
Just **this** word will be bold if sent as message.
Almost same rules applies to italic emphasis except that you wrap the word(s) with just one asterisks * instead.
Example of how to make italic text:
*This sentence will be italic if sent as message.*
Just *this* word will be italic if sent as message.
Prevent formatting in your message
If you want your message without any formatting and to be sent as it is, you can do so by wrapping the message with three backticks `.
Example of how to prevent formatting:
Use three backticks at the **first** line and other three at the *last* line to prevent formatting your message
* won't be formatted
* won't be formatted
Example of how to prevent formatting inline:
Wrap single or multiple words by three backticks ```like so``` to prevent formatting.
To make a heading, simply wrap a whole line between two hashtag # symbols.
Example of how to make heading:
# This is heading #
This is regular text
You can create nicely styled table by following the pattern below.
Example of how to make table:
First Header | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell