What is an inbox?
The Inbox is the central place where users’ workday starts. The inbox is the centrepiece of the Team Zeus application. All users have their own centralised Inbox that groups together the streams of notifications from the instant messaging interface and the shared calendar.
Every time you receive a new message from a group or a colleague; a meeting is created or is about to start; or if a task is flagged as overdue; you will receive a notification in the “NEW” section of your Inbox. You can press the “Like” button for a short and quick response to new messages, rather than responding: “thanks”, “Ok”, “Yes”, to rapidly move onto the next message.

Once you have clicked on the notification and read it, it will disappear from your Inbox when you go to another page; messages from your colleagues will automatically be filed in the right place. To go back to a message you have just viewed, simply press the “recently viewed” button on the top right corner, where a list of all the recent messages, people and rooms you have interacted with is displayed.

If you want to respond later to a message, you can press the “Later” button, so the message is filed in the “Later” section of your inbox for quicker access at a later time.

Announcements will always be displayed in the top of your inbox, highlighting their importance. To acknowledge receipt of their content, users have to mark them as “read”, which ensures that the information is delivered to each colleague.