Person details
Let’s head to the people directory by clicking the people directory button located at the bottom of the people panel. Alternatively, you can use a shortcut by pressing G then P on your keyboard.

Here you need to click on any person to open the modal window pops up the person details.
info_outline Note that the modal window with the person details can be accessed from multiple pages, for instance: from the search, the chat details, the conversation details or the admin section.
Clicking on the start chat will redirect you to the chat with the given person.

Clicking on the phone number will let you choose an application in your computer that will dial the number.

Clicking on the person’s email will bring up the application for sending an email.
Admin functions
If you have admin rights then you will see few more options in the person’s detail.
You may activate/deactivate the person, or give/revoke admin rights by clicking on the corresponding button under the profile picture of this person.
You can also remove the person from a group simply by clicking the X button next to each group, in the group list of this person.