Later section in inbox
If you want to respond to a message at a later time, you can add it to the “Later” section of your inbox for quicker access at a later time.
Add item to later
Hover your mouse over the chat/conversation inbox item so the 3 action icons appear at the end of the row. And click on watch_later "add to later" icon. The item is then instantaneously added to the later section.
Another way is to check the box on the left side of the item and click the Later button in the New header as shown in the following screenshot. This way you can add to later multiple items at once!
Remove an item from later
To remove an item from later you either need to answer the corresponding conversation/chat or do it manually.

Hover your mouse over the chat/conversation later item so the playlist_add_check mark as read icon appears at the end of the row. Clicking the icon will result in removing the item from the later section.
Another way is to check the box on the left side of the later item and click the Remove from later button in the Later header as shown in the following screenshot. This way you can remove multiple later items at once!
info_outline Note that items can be added and removed from the later section also in the items’ detail. Check the conversation or chat support pages for more information.